Submit to Our Open Reading Period
Unicorn Press seeks to publish excellent works of poetry that are unlikely to find a home elsewhere. We do not publish short fiction, general non-fiction, novels, science fiction, how-to or self-help books, reference texts, individual poems, artist books, or children’s literature.
We have an open reading period from 1 May to 30 June. Work that is received outside of this reading period will not be considered. We accept open reading submissions through our online submission manager and through the mail.
BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR WORK, PLEASE NOTE: Unicorn Press is fully responsible for the design of the books that it publishes. At the start of the design process, authors are asked to advise regarding general themes of interest or directions for cover designs. The press will take this input as advisory but not binding. Unicorn will submit draft designs to the author for feedback. No book will go to production without the author's approval, but all cover and interior designs will be generated by the press. Unicorn does not permit authors to design their own covers or require the usage of particular cover imagery, and Unicorn reserves the right not to enlist an author’s designated designer. If it is important to you for your book to appear with a particular design that you have already developed, Unicorn Press may not be the right publisher for your book. Before you submit your manuscript, look over our catalog—if you like what Unicorn does, submit your work, and the press will deliver.
In exceptional circumstances, Unicorn Press is willing to publish manuscripts that incorporate AI-derived content in insightful or innovative ways, but authors must indicate how and where such content has been used. If your work incorporates AI-derived content, please include a brief descriptive note to this effect as part of your cover letter.
HOW TO FORMAT YOUR MANUSCRIPT: Use 8.5" x 11" pages and a non-descript font, such as Times New Roman, Calibri, Garamond, or the like. Manuscripts should be formatted in the most basic manner possible—use italics, bold, underlining, and the like wherever needed, but more complicated design gestures should not be included in the manuscript.
ONLINE OPEN READING PERIOD SUBMISSIONS: Log into our online submission manager and upload your work. If applicable, include an acknowledgments page detailing previous publications of work in the collection. Submit a brief cover letter in the comments field. We are able to respond to unsolicited manuscripts within three to four months. If you send us your work through the online manager, do not submit it by mail.
OPEN READING SUBMISSIONS BY MAIL: Send your manuscript with an SASE we may use to send our response. In the event the manuscript is not selected, we will send notice by email if no SASE has been supplied. If you would like us to return your manuscript, make sure your SASE is sized appropriately and carries sufficient postage. If applicable, include an acknowledgments page detailing previous publications of work in the manuscript. If you would like to know when your manuscript has arrived at the press, include a self-addressed postcard with your submission, and we will drop it in the mail upon receipt of your materials. Do not submit your manuscript online if you send it by mail. We are able to respond to unsolicited manuscripts within three to four months. Direct manuscripts to the following address:
Post Office Box 5523
Greensboro, NC 27435